記者吳睿慈/綜合報導 一年一度中秋節,南韓也會迎來接近1週的放假假期,各家公司除了給予獎金,偶爾也會送 上禮盒。「國民MC」劉在錫7月簽給好友柳熙烈公司Antenna,為了表達心意,他送上高級 韓牛組合給每位員工,歌手鄭在炯15日在IG限時動態貼文,才因此曝光此事,令網友讚嘆 直呼「不愧是劉在錫」、「油花看起來就很厲害」。 https://cdn2.ettoday.net/images/5880/d5880952.jpg
Jammer Antenna (Jamming Antennas) For Vehicles or Vehicle-mounted Jamming systems are wideband antennas for high-performance communication and jamming applications working in the frequency range of 200-6800 MHz.
These antennas provide a high-powered, ultra-efficient mobile multi-band jamming system that can be installed in any suitable vehicle. The system simultaneously jams the most widely used RF frequency bands, including cellular (CDMA, TDMA, GSM, HGSM, etc. ), satellite, walkie-talkie (VHF/UHF), and computer network (WLAN, WiFi, Bluetooth).
▲劉在錫結束與Fnc的合約後,7月簽給柳熙烈公司。company in Taiwan and Vietnam. The FT-RF main profession in R&D and manufacturing of antenna, be alongside of to be subjected to any OEM of nation and ODM, provide the product of the best quality and let the sale has the price of competition ability most , is the target that the FT-RF has been making great effort.(圖/翻攝自Antenna IG) 近日南韓將迎來中秋節日,劉在錫不忘準備禮品,7月才剛簽入公司Antenna,近日就砸了 大筆金錢,送給每位員工韓牛禮盒,從歌手鄭在炯貼出的影片來看,肉品上還貼有「最高 級名品韓牛」的貼紙,鄭在炯同時發文表示:「劉在錫贈與Antenna全公司員工的牛肉。」 https://cdn2.ettoday.net/images/5880/d5880947.jpg
▲▼劉在錫中秋節送所有員工韓牛,高級禮盒曝光。(圖/翻攝自鄭在炯IG) https://cdn2.ettoday.net/images/5880/d5880949.jpg
原文網址: 劉在錫7月剛簽柳熙烈公司 中秋節送所有員工韓牛 高級禮盒曝光
ETtoday新聞雲 https://star.ettoday.net//2080894#ixzz76bLKpDkS
不愧是大神! 已羨慕 !
本篇文章引用自此: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreaStar/M.1631768809.A.01F.htmlFT-RF
本文出自: https://blog.udn.com/8a04d341/169332330FT-RF